123 Trains is such a beautiful educational app. All the beautiful scenes consists of circular tracks. You place the train on the train track and watch them circle around. Each of the scenes has an interactive element that makes the app count the parts that make up the train. I use the word train but only one scene consist of real trains. One has spacecrafts and the other has submarines (or at least I think that is what they are).
There are other few interactive items in the scenes. For example you can click on the caboose and get a train sound, or pick up one of the submarines and feed it to one of the plants in the underwater scene.
The illustrations are beautiful. No music to speak of, but I didn’t miss it. The voice that counts the train pieces is clear and human.
Not much I would change. I wish there were more tracks, tracks that aren’t circles and more interactive items. Older children might find it boring after a short while, but young children should be able to find hours of enjoyment placing the trains on the track, counting and clicking on the few interactive items.
Available on the Apple App store. I reviewed it on my full size iPad (provided for free by the publisher). I couldn’t find an Android version.
I’m sure my kids will love this app! It looks fantastic.
Thank you for the review. Our graphics designers will appreciate your comments. We are planning for adding more features. Will let you know when they are ready.