Save The Last Drop bills itself as an educational and entertaining game. The key word is “and”.
The educational part of the app is only remotely connected to the game part. The educational part of the app consists of facts being presented over a static background. Since the facts are not read, for younger plays these facts will need to be read by an adult or older child.
The game part of the app consists of water droplets that drop from the the top of screen. You need to tap them before they reach the bottom. There is little variation on the game, but it is mindless fun, and it can be played by almost anybody.
Sadly I wish that the educational part of the app played a role in the game part of the app.
The education app is free, the water conservation facts are interesting, and the game is one of those mindless addictive/repetitive games. Give it a try, and then delete it if you need the space for something else.
I tested it on my Blackberry Playbook. Available in the BlackBerry App World. I couldn’t find a Android or IOS version.
I love this app on my new BB10. I don’t think it’s intended for kids though. It could have some more features, but then again it’s free… and the concept is great. I give it a 4/5.