Marco Polo Ocean by MarcoPolo Learning is an under water exploring app. The app is extremely well thought out and opened ended.
The first scene allows you to explore the ocean by both adjusting how far or close to the coast you are as well as how deep you are. Not only does the fauna and flora change by moving around in this scene but also the slide out menus change. There are also multiple interactive elements if you touch around.
Two menus are visible. One displays either the vehicle used to explore a particular ecosystem or the ecosystem. I selected only one, and it brought me to a scene where I had to fit in all the missing spaces (like a puzzle).
The other menu shows you living organism of the particular region you are now in. You can drag these organism out and add them to the world. You can also feed them.
The illustrations, animations, and the sound effects are all great. A very good app if your kids are learning about the diverse life that lives in the ocean, or you just want to expose them to a high quality entertaining and educational game.
The app is available in the Apple App Store. I couldn’t find an Android version. It is now on sale for 33% off (depending on the country). I received a free copy provided by the publisher.